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Monday, April 24, 2017

North Korea - Brinkmanship or On the Brink? (live on the Kindle Store)

North Korea has been led by the Kim dynasty since the 1953 United Nations Armistice Agreement was signed ending the Korean conflict. Each successive leader of the Kim family has continued the DPRK's pursuit of WMD, nuclear weapons in particular, while increasing its hostility toward the United States and South Korea. With little intervention by China, North Korea led by Kim Jong-un and the United States President Trump appear on a collision course of military conflict. This eBook provides readers with a concise understanding of this conflict and likely repercussions. Topics include: The Korean Peninsula (Pre-1950), The Korean Conflict (1950-1953), The Armistice Agreement, North Korea’s Leaders, The Axis of Evil, The Statistical Backdrop, WMD in East Asia, China – The Elephant in the Room, US, South Korea and Japan, Scenario 1 –US Places Nukes in South Korea, Scenario 2 - US preemptive Military Strike, Scenario 3 - US Decapitates North Korea’s Leadership, Scenario 4 – US Massive Covert and Cyber Warfare, Conclusions and an Appendix with North Korean Military Installations. A must read for anyone concerned about national security and the stability of East Asia. Purchase your copy today at the Kindle Store 

Putin's Kremlin - Epicenter of Global Cyber Warfare (live on the Kindle Store)

Putin's Kremlin - Epicenter of Global Cyber Warfare: This goal of this eBook is provide a wake-up call for the new US government’s executive leadership, however well intentioned, yet seemingly naïve, that Russian cyber warfare is a clear and present danger to national security. Key topics include An Historical Primer on Russia' Leaders, Putin’s Pathology, The Era of Cyber Warfare, Russia’s Deception, Russia’s Goals and Methods, Russia’s Cyber Proxies, Russia’s Cyber Impact, Building the Great Wall of Cyber Security, Slaying the Red Cyber Bear, Concluding Thoughts, Supplemental Cyber Resources and Cyber Intelligence Feeds. The central premise of this codex is that Russia, as led by President Vladimir Putin, has the motive, resources and infrastructure to wage cyber war against free and democratic nations, chiefly the United States, for the primary purpose of regaining its global military dominance it had prior to the collapse of the former Soviet Union. Purchase today on the Kindle Store