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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Counter-Measures for Combatting Russia's Cyber Attacks on US Targets

As an increasing number of cyber-attacks hits the world's largest companies and agencies, NATO and Russia debates the creation of a roadmap to tackling cyber-threats. While the West has come up with the "Tallinn Manual of Cyber Warfare," a guide which proposes to apply the rules and principles of humanitarian international law in related cases, Russia spells out the need for a more thorough approach at an international level. Follow the debate on the cyber-security issue and the latest developments on RBTH. The Russian cyber-hacking of the Democratic National Committee is only the latest unacceptable and unlawful activity by that state. Russia has acted in flagrant violation of international law and wanton disregard for the rights of other nations. It is time and past time to take action in response. The United States is far from the only target of Russian cyberattacks. Russian hackers have been found by numerous reports and analyses to have attacked close allies including parliaments such as the German Bundestag, media outlets such as France's TV5Monde and Poland's Warsaw stock exchange.  The director of national intelligence has testified, "Russia is assuming a more assertive cyber-posture based on its willingness to target critical infrastructure systems."Which counter-measures will be most effective against Russia' onslaught of cyber attacks? Share your recommendations with the Cloud and Cyber Security Center.

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